
Sunday, May 27, 2012

cake stands.

this isn't a very exciting post, in my opinion. this project is so easy it's silly, but i love it so much i can't help but post it. 

i've seen these tutorials here and there on pinterest and am blow away by how quick and cheap it is to make a one-of-a-kind cake stand {that are way better than store bought ones}

creative idea #11: diy cake stand
idea sparked by:

  •  plate {one per stand. i chose plastic because this was for a kid party. i found it for a quarter at goodwill}
  • glass or candle stick {one per stand. also, check goodwill - i got these for $2ish}
  • hot glue gun
  • drop cloth
  • spray paint
  • something to cover top of plate when in use {spray paint is not food safe, but there are so many cute things you could do to coordinate with your theme. i chose doilies for emery's girly party, but check out the pics at the end of the post for more ideas!}
  • clean surface of plate and glass/candle stick, let dry.
  • measure center of plate, on back side {this isn't my perfectionist self coming out, you really need to do this. i didn't and ended up with a few lopsided cakes stands that looked...interesting.}
  • hot glue candle stick or glass to middle of back side of plate
  • lay trash bag flat and arrange cake stand to be painted

  • follow painting, dry time, recoating directions of paint can

  • before displaying food, make sure to spruce it up and keep it food safe by placing something decorative on the plate.
i chose a doily.
martha stewart draped ribbon over hers...
pinterest user Jennifer Pappadouplos used scrapbook paper.

i thought ombre or multicolored layers of tissue paper would look fabulous! Or a bandana, vintage scarf, etc. the possibilities are endless! what are your ideas??

love and easy decor,


  1. I've seen this DIY before, Amber. What a wonderfully easy way to create a beautiful serving/displaying piece. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I've been wanting to make these for a while...and yours are beautiful! I am pinning this great tutorial so I can make some for gifts. :-)
    Visiting from Weekend Whatever.

    ~Stacy @ Stacy Makes Cents

    1. ooo, that's a great idea to make them for gifts! i bet they'll turn out great! thanks for stopping by :-)

    2. I've made these as well. I just bought inexpensive plates (from Tai Pan Trading) that were the same color as my spray paint and then I don't have to cover the painted plate. Works out wonderful and you can get some beautiful designs on your purchased plate.

  3. Hi Amber! These are lovely, I have put a link to them on my blog :)

    Mel -
